Alabama Legislative Session

Getting involved with the Alabama Legislature is one of the best ways to make a difference in our local communities. We've pulled together some tips and resources to help you get started today.

Step On The Field.

The 2023 Legislative Session will begin on Tuesday, March 7, 2023.

Find out who your representatives are. Look up your address on the My Alabama Elected Officials map.

Sign up for monthly newsletters from Shake the Field.

Follow along on the Alabama Legislature website.

Watch videos of what’s going on inside the Statehouse at the Alabama Channel.

There Is Power In The Collective.

Alabama Forward is committed to bringing together nonprofit organizations across Alabama to work together in building power around progressive civic issues and movement towards greater freedom.

Many of these organizations are active during the Legislative Session and are a great way to get involved with the work that’s already going on in your area. Find an organization working on an issue that’s important to you, sign up for their email alerts, and attend an upcoming training or lobby day.

Organizations and Coalitions to Follow


Attend a lobby day or training session.

Learn how to engage your representatives at the Statehouse, what bills to talk about, and how you can be an effective advocate for your community.